Best recent book-
Peter L. Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990.
What the Wright's thought themselves-
Marvin W. Macfarland (ed) The Papers of Wilbur and Orville Wright, Volume I: 1899 - 1905 Volume II: 1906 - 1948, New York, 1953.
Technical reference-
Culick, F.E.C. and Jex, H.R. Aerodynamics, Stability and Control of the 1903 Wright Flyer, in Wolko, H.S. The Wright Flyer: an engineering perspective, National Air and Space Museum, 1987.
Hooven, F.J. Longitudinal Dynamics of the Wright Brother's Early Flyers: a study in the computer simulation of flight, In: Wolko, H.S. The Wright Flyer: an engineering perspective, National Air and Space Museum, 1987.